Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Byssan lull

Byssan lull, koka kittelen full,
sjökistan har trenne figurer,
byssan lull, koka kittelen full,
sjökistan har trenne figurer.
Den första är vår tro,
den andra är vårt hopp,
den tredje är kärleken den röda.

Traditional melody, lyrics by Evert Taube 1919.

This verse means so much for me. Besides this song's overall trollike lyrics, and that it's a song I grew up with, it's the verse I chose for my father's obituary. My father was a sailor, and every time I see a ship I wonder what stories he might have told me, had he still been here with me. I miss him very much. June 29th was his birthday.
Oh, he did know Evert Taube a tiny bit, and would joke about how dramatic he was.

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