Thursday, November 19, 2009

Flexterday eve...

What an evening! What Flexi! What a crowd!
What a lovely Glenn!
Thanks to your DJ tutoring it could be done. Thank you dear.

I've been trying to upload some really poor photos of mine, but Blogger evens them out to mediocracy. This pic was a bright red, for instance, you couldn't see any of the table pattern. I took it to show off my girly shopping - Strongbow, Törley, nail polish to match my lipstick and a ribbon for my fiddeling. Somehow I get a kick out of this, stereotypical girly behaviour. I'm not sure what I mean by this. I don't feel like a girly girl? Or I like - or dislike - stereotypes? Or girly stereotypes in particular?

BMX and I agree that songs with topics beat songs about love. Like 08/15 - "1000 gelbe tennisbälle" or Ruth - "Polaroïd/roman/photo". Where are the songs about curling, minigolf or torball?
The latter would make a mean video.

My mini origami diamond necklace was a mini success. I got a spontaneous order, so now I best keep practicing my folding and attaching.

Thank you everybody for coming! You make me a happy girl.

PS. Here and here for the eager to know: Two pages about Flexipop.

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