Monday, May 11, 2009

"Thousand dreams in our oven"

Every time we flush the toilet where we live, Yoda gets a shower.

People who know me well knows how much pleasure this car logo has given me. Corporation K.U.K. Priceless.

These monitors in a shopping window kept us busy for quite some time.

Eerie Christian cuddly toys container in the street. Why would this be?

DJ synthesizer recording... A pic for my friends. And a poor one.

Judging from the title, Micro - Space Rythm 1 is a must have.

This restaurant slogan doesn't make me think about food... At all.

This evening I saw my first homeless Tokyoites.

I haven't mastered dark sky photography, sorry for all the graininess.
And tonight I'm much too sleepy to do anything about it.

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