Monday, November 16, 2009

Flexiwave mit Ella und Glenn

Wednesday Glenn and I are throwing a Flexiwave mit Ella und Glenn evening at Snottys, Skånegatan 90. It will be grand I tell you.

Glenn is an experienced DJ and I'm in fear of The Technology and in love with the homemade, heartfelt, synth dark, fun loving sound of the flexi and its' brothers and sisters.

Check it out:

"An exclusive night full of flexi-pop, new-wave & minimal-wave. Brought to you by your loved dj-couple Glenn (Cynthia Stern) & Ella. This is our debut performance so be sure don't miss this event since it's going to be in the history books one day."

As Glenn has insightfully put it on the Facebook.

Will you come, pretty please?
Come let's mingle in the dusky corridor that is Snotty.

PS. A crystalline birth: did you know the origin of disco? The truth of icy blue diamond clad white disco suits, the darkness shattered by a synthetic aurora borealis and twinkly stars, the mist that engulfs you on the dance floor and the distant thunder of base like the thunder of great ice blocks separating, their bodies hidden by bottomless dark waters?

Check out or even better, read a bout the Disko Troop at Disko Bay here.

I'm being silly, watching dear Floyd cook (drink beer) at Disko Bay at Greenland. The thought is nice though.
Disco, Mary Shelley:style, kinda.

Oh, and disco in Swedish is spelled disko. So there.

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