Tuesday, January 12, 2010

King Bore

Last week's walk through our frozen city. I thrive on these winter walks, especially now that I have a someone to take them with.

The big film deadline is over, the application was handed in yesterday. I can't say whether it's good or bad, were the right or wrong decisions made - the most important thing is it's been handed in.

I sit by the chill of my window, tired and weary from my cold. Today is a day of summing up and finishing off, the last few mails, making copies and such. Tonight we'll meet up with a band that just might make the music for our docu, we'll see.

For now it's just me and the radio, and Dean Martin sings "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow"...

PS. Beautiful words from Wikipedia, altered - cut up - shortened by me:

The flexi disc - or phonosheet or sonosheet - is a record made of a thin, flexible vinyl sheet.

Flexible records were commercially introduced as the Eva-tone Soundsheet in 1960, but were previously available in the Soviet Union as roentgenizdat or bones.

The Soviet-era bones or roentgenizdat are so-called because one cheap, reliable source of suitable raw material is discarded medical x-rays, which have the added benefit of including ready-made and interesting images.

The name roentgenizdat comes from the combination of the words roentgen ray or X-ray and samizdat, which means "self-published" or "underground literature". X-ray records emerged as an underground medium for distribution of jazz music, which was prohibited in the Soviet Union after WWII.

This format was also particularly attractive to politically suppressed punk rock music and the DIY punk ethic, since other publishing outlets were much less accessible.

Read whole article here.
I find this very inspiring.

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