Thursday, November 26, 2009

Snow Whites

The colours of these remind me of the colours of Snow White, the Spanish 60's women on kitsch paintings - they are quite Snow White sexy, aren't they? - and the big Flamenco needlepoint embroideries of that time. A faded autumn beauty.

I can't google up the Flamenco needlepoint pattern that my mother made years ago. And a nighttime one with wolves, snow and a horse sled. They hung outside my childhood bedroom (now they are in her new flat). I used to fantasize about the stories they tell when I was little.

Charles Roka - Gypsy Girl III
I love her smile, she looks so friendly and beautiful.

A bunch of various Snow Whites:

Mark Ryden - Snow White
Very Natalie Portman in Léon creepy:esque.

Annie Leibovits - Rachel Weisz as Snow White
Very classic Disney.
I prefer the Scarlett Johansson as Cinderella pic though.

Gorowek - Sexy Snow White

Tom Bagshaw - Snow White
The mannerisms of the girls in the Bagshaw and Gorowek pics are reminiscent of the mannerisms of the girls in Gypsy girl vintage paintings, I think.

And last - Disney.

I don't even like this film.

(The images link to their original locations.)

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